
Call me Ishmael (Moby Dick)Work in progress.

ยน Herman Melville, Moby-Dick (1851)

30 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for checking out and following my blog recently! I hope you get a chance to try out a recipe or two for yourself sometime soon. I look forward to following your future posts as well.


  2. You have an amazing theme for your blog, very impressed! I’m searching for a new theme for mine and this is the closest one that I like so far that I’m looking for. Thanks for the follow and I’m looking forward to reading many more posts from you!

    • Thanks Java Girl, I’m glad you like it. It’s a free theme, but it works perfectly fine. If you’re having any trouble installing it, let me know (especially the feature slider). Thank you for following back! Loved your Midnight in Paris review, by the way. Keep them coming!

      • Yes!! I actually was so excited about it, I “tried” or “previewed” it on my blog last night. What I really want is that slider. I just think it gives a blog such a cool, hip and professional look to it. I’ve had my theme for the past 2 years and I’m getting restless!! Aw. Thanks for the Midnight in Paris compliment. My blog isn’t a movie review blog (it’s just a regular blog with other things in it), but I do enjoy reviewing random and off the beaten path movies. Please stop by anytime and say hello. I’m going to keep playing around with the page layout. Once I get it ready, I’ll ask for your help. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see how it will look! I do have 2 questions. The slider. What photos can I add to that? Can I change the bright yellow texts because I couldn’t seem to do that the other night. It remained yellow. Lol

        • Great! You can add 6 articles to your slider and you can use one featured image with every article. What brights yellow texts? Make sure you apply the theme directly and start modifying after that. Sometimes when previewing, some things can be shown differently than they actually are. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Ha, you too?! How great is that, I thought I was the only one around here and obviously I’m not. Thanks for visiting, you’re too kind. ๐Ÿ™‚

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