Intouchables (2011)


Intouchables is one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time. There are no action heroes or good-looking women necessary to make this film perfect. It’s all about the story and the development of its characters. Francois Cluzet and Omar Sy did a great job there. Their performances were memorable and well-fitting. The story as in the real life story has been portrayed brilliantly. Of course we can expect a lot of things to have been added to the entertaining production along the way, but morally correct life lessons are included as well. Intouchables makes you find the humanity within yourself as it illustrates how a guy from the low, social classes in Paris can be a true friend and ally to this rich and handicapped person. Subsequently, the writers and producers have creatively reduced the seriousness of some scenes to seconds by coating the major events in a fun and inspiring way. In fact, it speaks to everyone. The movie is enjoyable for all ages and backgrounds. I strongly recommend all of you to watch  it. Make sure you take note of the messages conveyed throughout the movie. Totally worth every second (and every penny).

Directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano